How to Generate 700+ Useless Photos for Your Blog

The 6 stages of the creative process used to lose a shiny piece of garbage at an award show.

Christie Hewlko
7 min readJun 14, 2024


Heavy Breathing Montage — ©2024 Christie Hewlko on The BOSS OF ME blog

While our methods are decidedly unconventional, my photographer and I absolutely nailed our first creative engagement. We captured the perfect shot aligned with the agreed-upon creative direction. And 700 other photos we can use if we need to convey, drinking on the job, barfing into a paper bag, or being really annoyed. We also submitted a compilation of our work to a conglomerate of industry creatives with the ambitious aspiration of winning an award at their third almost-annual award show.

Here’s how we did it.

The Scene:

In need of visuals to go with my blog post, You, Me & ChatGPT, I solicited the help of my 9-year-old daughter who currently works under the pseudonym, Daffy. She’s unsure if she wants to be associated with me or my projects, hence the pseudonym. Daffy and I didn’t know it then, but we were also inadvertently preparing a submission for an award show put on by OK Social, an after-work party club for people in creative industries. More on that to come.

The Research:



Christie Hewlko

I’m a former Corporate Moron© who loves to write and design. I tell funny stories about work and the challenges of learning to do new things. I hope you laugh.